We usually don’t notice some of the most important choices we make all day long.
They are not the choices of what breakfast to eat, or whether to respond to this message or that one, or when to take a break. While all of those types of daily choices are important, even more key to our wellbeing and stress levels are the internal choices we make.
We are making choices just beneath our own radar all the time. And since these choices determine where our attention goes and the meaning we make of our lives, it can help stress levels and over-all wellbeing and success to get those choices a bit more into our awareness instead of on auto-pilot.
We make autopilot choices about our breathing, which affects our mood and energy levels. We make choices about the things we say to ourselves, usually without noticing. It’s all a kind of internal doing, and the more subconscious it is, usually the more we suffer or feel stressed and out of control.
The good news is, the more we make these internal decisions and choices with awareness, the more real control we have. The more we choose actively in ways that serve us, that calm our minds, that show us possibilities instead of worst case scenarios or worries or negative self talk that we wouldn’t use with a friend – the more inner calm we have, and the more real control.
It starts with noticing more what we’re already doing. And then choosing again. That’s the beginning of the path to conscious calm and true control in your life.
For a limited time the ebook version of Conscious Calm: Keys to Freedom from Stress and Worry ebook version is on sale at Amazon Read your copy on any device, and discover the 9 inner stress traps and 9 keys to creating more calm and inner peace in your life.